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A Collection of Very Useful Text Animations Using GSAP and SplitText - Tutorial

Tutorial on creating text animations with GSAP, SplitType and custom JavaScript

I thought this might be useful for developers just getting to grips with GSAP. The possibilities for text animation really are endless, but here are 8 useful ones to begin with.

I go over the logic and exactly how to write the JavaScript in the YouTube tutorial, so this post will focus on instructions for how to use the code in your projects.

Include the CDNs

Firstly, you want to make sure you're linking to both the GSAP and SplitType libraries. Here are the CDNs:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Save the HTML elements as variables

To simplify your JavaScript, save all the elements you want to animate as variables, to make their selection in the code simpler. For the headings below, I have already intialised the SplitType object for each of them. For a detailed explanation of this, see the tutorial.

 // Initialize SplitType on the headings
    const heading1 = new SplitType('#characterBounce', { types: 'chars' });
    const heading2 = new SplitType('#fadeInScale', { types: 'words' });
    const heading3 = new SplitType('#letterFlip', { types: 'chars' });
    const heading4 = new SplitType('#elasticStretch', { types: 'chars' });
    const heading5 = new SplitType('#fadeSlide', { types: 'chars' });
    const heading6 = new SplitType('#swirl', { types: 'chars' });
    const heading7 = new SplitType('#threeDflip', { types: 'chars' });
    // Button IDS
    const button1 = document.getElementById('characterBounceButton');
    const button2 = document.getElementById('fadeInScaleButton');
    const button3 = document.getElementById('letterFlipButton');
    const button4 = document.getElementById('elasticStretchButton');
    const button5 = document.getElementById('fadeSlideButton');
    const button6 = document.getElementById('swirlButton');
    const button7 = document.getElementById('threeDflipButton');
    const button8 = document.getElementById('typewriterButton');

Animation 1: Character Bounce

function runAnimation1(){
    	gsap.from(heading1.chars, {
      	duration: 0.5, 
        opacity: 0, 
        y: -70, 
        stagger: 0.05,
        ease: "bounce.out",

Animation 2: Word Fade In & Scale

 function runAnimation2() {
    	gsap.from(heading2.words, {
      	duration: 0.8,
        opacity: 0, 
        scale: 0.9, 
        stagger: 0.1, 
        ease: "power2.out",

Animation 3: Letter Flip

function runAnimation3() {
    	gsap.from(heading3.chars, {
      	duration: 0.6, 
        rotateY: -180,
        transformOrigin: "50% 50%",
        stagger: 0.05,
        ease: "back.out",

Animation 4: Elastic Stretch

function runAnimation4(){
    	gsap.from(heading4.chars, {
      	duration: 1.5,
        scaleX: 2,
        scaleY: 0.5, 
        ease: "elastic.out(1, 0.75)",

Animation 5: Fade and Slide

function runAnimation5() {
    	gsap.from(heading5.chars, {
      	duration: 1, 
        x: -100, 
        opacity: 0, 
        stagger: 0.1,
        ease: "power2.out",

Animation 6: Swirl

function runAnimation6() {
      	gsap.from(heading6.chars, {
        	duration: 1.2, 
          scale: 0.5, 
          rotation: 180, 
          opacity: 0, 
          ease: "power4.out",

Animation 7: 3D Flip

function runAnimation7(){
     	gsap.from(heading7.chars, {
      	duration: 1.5, 
        rotationY: 360,
        transformPerspective: 800, 
        transformOrigin: "50% 50%", 
        opacity: 0, 
        ease: "power3.inOut",

Animation 8: Custom Typewriter Effect

      function typewriterEffect(text, typingSpeed = 90){
      	const typewriterText = document.getElementById('typewriter');
        typewriterText.innerHTML = "";
        let i = 0;
        let timer = setInterval(() => {
        	if (i < text.length){
          	typewriterText.innerHTML += text.charAt(i);
          } else {
        }, typingSpeed); 

Call the functions when you want the animations to play

    typewriterEffect("This is text that will be typewritten!", 50);

Here are the selection of button click event listeners

     // Animation 1 Button Click Event Listener
    button1.addEventListener('click', () => {
      heading1.split({ types: 'chars'});
    // Animation 2 Button Click Event Listener
  button2.addEventListener('click', () => {
      heading2.split({ types: 'words'});
     // Animation 3 Button Click Event Listener
     button3.addEventListener('click', () => {
        heading3.split({ types: 'chars' });

     // Animation 4 Button Click Event Listener
     button4.addEventListener('click', () => {

          heading4.split({ types: 'chars' });

     // Animation 5 Button Click Event Listener
 			 button5.addEventListener('click', () => {
        heading5.split({ types: 'chars' });

     // Animation 6 Button Click Event Listener
   	 button6.addEventListener('click', () => {
        heading6.split({ types: 'chars' });

     // Animation 7 Button Click Event Listener
   		button7.addEventListener('click', () => {
        heading7.split({ types: 'chars' });

     // Animation 8 Button Click Event Listener
		 button8.addEventListener('click', () => {
        typewriterEffect('This is the typewriter effect text, but generated by the button!');

So I hope this was helpful to you, we will be diving deeper into GSAP & JavaScript, so if you're interested please head over to the LIONIZE YouTube channel and like and subscribe.

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